The Importance of community when you have a goal

When you surround yourself with people who share your goals and mindset, you can achieve almost anything. Being involved with a community while trying to lose weight makes you 80% more likely to succeed. In-person is best, but if you can't find one, try an online community. Listen to other people's success stories. 

I strongly believe that when you surround yourself with people who share your goals and mindset, you can achieve almost anything. I've seen it time and time again at Studio 95. People come in not believing they can reach their goals, having failed so many times before. But with the right community, they realize that they can succeed too. This is what Studio 95 has taught me: if you give , it will form. 

We've all heard the sayings: "It takes a village to raise a child", "You are the average of the 5 closest people to you", "It takes a community to build a dream", "Strength in Numbers". But how does this play out in practice? I'm grateful that Studio 95 has shown me, again and again, that with the right support network, it doesn't matter how many times you've failed in the past. With the right support, encouragement, and proof, you too can do it! 

Sometimes, by the time someone comes to try a Metabolic Conditioning (MetCon) workout like we have at Studio 95, it's their last hope. MetCon also known as HIIT is intimidating, to say the least. But despite the fact that our members have tried weight loss with different diets and workout plans that they don't stick to, they make it to a space like Studio 95, where there is a community of people. You get to witness others doing the same thing for the same reasons, and you see their success. You start to believe it's possible again, and you start to have faith that you can still make it happen. So you decide to give it an honest go. You skip your late night snack, and you try Janice's favorite breakfast meal on page 23. You even prepare it the night before, like Janice told you. The next thing you know, you're weighing in at the end of the week and success! You've made progress. 

You're shocked by the congratulatory encouragement you receive from your trainer. They ask if it's okay to use your success as an example and encouragement for others. You remember how Janice's success had driven you, so you agree. The encouragement from the group is almost overwhelming. You drive home excited at the idea that this could work. You get home and finally sit down and open your nutrition plan on page one. You're encouraged enough to give it your full attention. 

This is a typical story here at Studio 95, and I'm sure many other fitness studios. It's heartwarming to witness a client's attitude change from hopelessness to a positive outlook. But the story doesn't usually end there. 

Especially if our patron stays with us longer than their initial program, there's bound to be a hiccup or plateau along the way. But within the community, you can find the support and knowledge to get past it. While waiting to ask the trainer a question, a client often finds a solution by chatting with someone in the studio. 

Research has shown that being involved with a community while trying to lose weight makes you 80% more likely to succeed. But it's not foolproof. You have to make the best of your situation. Unfortunately, I've seen people who come in seconds before the session starts and leave as soon as they can change their shoes. These people don't succeed as much, at least I know those are the people who don't stay and continue building our community. You have to make the best of it. You need to talk, ask questions, listen, learn, and give your own feedback and ideas. Then maybe you'll feel like you belong here as much as I do. 

You don't have to join Studio 95. That's the core idea behind any good weight loss community. In-person is best, but if you can't find one, try an online community. If that's still intimidating, start with podcasts. Listen to other people's success stories. You'll find that not every program works for everyone, and that we're all different. So it's okay if you try and don't succeed. You just have to remember to keep trying different methods until you find the one that works for you. Also, don't forget to ask yourself what it is that you want to achieve and why it's important to you. This will help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. Once you have a clear idea of what you want, it becomes easier to find the support and resources you need to make it happen. 



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